Shi-Yan Cao (曹士彦)
E-mail: csyan B.S. Chemistry USTC (2012.9-2016.6) Ph.D. Chemical Physics USTC (2016.9-Now) Topics: Sintering of NanoCatalysts under Oxidizing Conditions
Wu Shu (舒武)
E-mail: wushu@mail.ustc.edu.cn B.S. Applied Chemistry Dalian University of Technology (2014.9-2018.6) Ph.D. Chemical Physics USTC (2018.9-Now) Topics: Structure Sensitivity by Machine Learning
Chen Chen (陈晨)
E-mail: cc1996 B.S. Chemistry Anhui Normal University (2015.9-2019.6) M.S. Chemical Physics USTC (2019.9-Now) Topics: Catalysis by Neural Network Potential
Yi-Xuan Pu (蒲逸轩)
E-mail: puyx@mail.ustc.edu.cn B.S. Chemistry Lanzhou University (2017.9-2021.6) M.S. Chemical Physics USTC (2021.9-Now) Topics: Catalyst Structure
Other Alumni
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